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The National Park

 A network of national parks in the Canary Islands attempts to conserve their most characteristic ecosystems. Hence, the Mt. Teide National Park, in the centre of the island of Tenerife, shelters the best examples of the supra-Mediterranean vegetation level. On the other hand, with an average altitude of over 2,000 metres, the Mt. Teide National Park offers one of the most spectacular examples of vulcanism in the world and represents the best example of alpine volcanic ecosystem in the Canary Islands. From a geo-morphological point of view, the structure of the caldera and the Teide-Pico Viejo strato-volcano are among the most spectacular geological monuments in the world, apart from the wide variety of volcanic cones and domes, lava flows, tors and caves that form a range of colours and forms that increase the scientific and scenic interest of the area.

With regard to the enormous biological wealth of the area, the outstanding flora includes a large percentage of endemic species and the invertebrate fauna a large number of exclusive species. This National Park, created in 1954 in recognition of its volcanic and biological singularity, is the largest and the oldest of the National Parks of the Canary Islands, covering an area of 18,990 hectares, and the fifth largest of the thirteen National Parks in the network. Apart from its Peripheral Protection Zone, this natural area is surrounded by the Corona Forestal Nature Park, the largest protected natural area of the Canary Islands with 46,612.9 hectares.

In 1989, it was awarded a class A European Diploma by the Council of Europe. This European Diploma was extended in 1994 and in 1999.
The World Heritage Committee inscribed the Teide National Park on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as a natural site, during its session in Christchurch on June 27th 2007.

Creation: Decree of the 22nd of January 1954
Re-classification: Law 5/81, of the 25th of March
Legal instruments: Use and management master plan (PRUG, Royal Decree 153/2002)
Area of the Park: 18,990 ha
Co-ordinates: Latitude 28º09´00´´ - 28º20´00´´ North
Longitude 16º29´00´´ - 16º44´00´´ West
Supra-national Networks: European Diploma (Council of Europe) in 1989, renewed in 1994 and 1999.
Maximum altitude: 3,715 m (Pico del Teide)
Minimum altitude: 1,600 m.

Votos(s): 39. Resultado: 3.79