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Agricultural Sector

Agriculture accounts for less than 10% of GDP, although it makes an important contribution to the island in that it generates incalculable benefits, related to sustaining the rural landscape and maintaining the cultural values of Tenerife. Bananas are the leading crop, with Tenerife being the leading producer of the Canary Islands. Annual production has stabilised around 150,000 metric tonnes in recent years, after peaking at 200,000 tonnes in 1986. Just over 90% of the crop goes to the Spanish domestic market. Banana plantations cover 4,200 Has. of land.

The next most important crop is tomatoes, followed by potatoes, flowers and ornamental plants and vines.

The banana (Musa acuminata C.)
The banana is an herbaceous tropical plant, with a perennial subterranean organ or rhizome, from which the aerial part of the plant develops, forming a pseudo-stem (leaf sheaths) and the rest of the foliage system.
It comes originally from South-East Asia and crossed tropical Africa from east to west, to reach the Canary Islands in the early 16th century. It was later introduced into America from here. But it was not grown commercially until 1882, when the first batches of our traditional variety, the "Dwarf Cavendish", were sent to England.
The banana has an outstandingly high carbohydrate content, making it a high energy food, and it is also rich in potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B6.

WEB: Plátano de Canarias

BANANAS (Tenerife)

1999 = 147,791 Tm (362,313 Tm in the Canary Islands)
2000 = 164,797 Tm (396,865 Tm in the Canary Islands)
2001 = 158,220 Tm (419,700 Tm in the Canary Islands)
Financial value (year 2000) = 91.139 Million Euros

TOMATO (Province: S/C Tenerife)

1998/99 season = 109,308 Tm (Export); (285,898 Tm in the Canary Islands)
1999/00 season = 111,382 Tm (Export); (303,671 Tm in the Canary Islands)
Financial value (year 2000) = 73.760 Million Euros

POTATOES (Province: S/C Tenerife)

1999 = 40,039 Tm
2000 = 64,041 Tm


1999 = 1,307 Tm (Export / Tenerife); 4,547 Tm (Province: S/C Tenerife)
2000 = 1,608 Tm (Export / Tenerife); 4,690 Tm (Province S/C Tenerife)
Financial value (year 2000) = 12.684 Million Euros.


1999 = 3,857 Tm (Export / Tenerife); 5,680 Tm (Province S/C Tenerife)
2000 = 4,206 Tm (Export / Tenerife); 5,942 Tm (Province S/C Tenerife)
Financial value (year 2000) = 28.145 Million Euros

VINES (Province S/C Tenerife)

1999 = 21,326 Tm
2000 = 28,866 Tm
Financial value (year 2000) = 28.860 Million Euros.

For further information:

ISTAC (Canary Island Statistics Bureau)

Avda. 3 de Mayo, 2 - 1º (junto a Edif. Usos Múltiples II)
Telf. 922 592 730922 592 730  - Fax: 922 592 749
38003 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
E-mail: istac@gobiernodecanarias.org
Web: www.gobiernodecanarias.org/istac

INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística)
C / San Antonio, nº 24
38001 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telf.: 922 24 57 87 - 922 24 57 88
Fax: 922 24 74 15 Web: http://www.ine.es/

Plaza de España, s/n
38003 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Area de Aguas, Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca.
Telf.: 922 23 98 32 - 922 23 99 59


Servicio Técnico de Desarrollo Económico
Telf.: 922 23 97 92922 23 97 92 
Banco de Datos
Telf.: 922 23 97 56922 23 97 56 
Centro de Documentación
Telf.: 922 23 97 58922 23 97 58 

Avda. José Manuel Guimerá, 8
Edif. Usos Múltiples II - 4º
38071 - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telf.: 922 47 65 00922 47 65 00 
Fax: 922 47 67 38


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Banana trees
Banana trees