Holy Week
The celebration of Holy Week is one of the most traditional religious and cultural events of the Archipelago. Throughout different days, visitors have the opportunity to appreciate the rich and varied religious heritage on the City.
During the week there are processions formed by processional tableaux which are of incalculable historic and artistic worth, which, together with the confraternities, pass through the most symbolic streets in a show of authentic popular fervour.
These processions consist of examples of religious sculpture and craftsmanship in precious metals that have developed in and outwit the islands during the last five centuries.
The ceremonies enacted on Holy Thursday and Holy Friday have a special relevance.
On the first of these days, one might draw special attention to the opening to the public of the chapels of the churches to exhibit the Eucharist figures — authentic jewels of island craftsmanship.
On Holy Friday, the "Procession Magna" is the outstanding event. It takes place at five o’clock in the afternoon and is composed of all the tableaux and religious brotherhoods which pass through the city, the point of departure being the Cathedral. Likewise, at 9:30 at night, the "Procesión del Silencio" (Procession of Silence) takes place, composed of religious brotherhoods and penitent fraternities, which accompany the "Señor Difunto" (The Dead Lord) round the Cathedral to the church of Santo Domingo de Guzman, amid the profound spiritual absorption of those present.