Several methods of fishing are used in Tenerife, ranging from artisanal inshore fishing to recreational marine fishing, which includes spearfishing and angling.
Artisanal inshore fishing
Our artisanal inshore fishing is carried out close to shore by professional fishermen in small and medium-sized boats, generally made of wood, used for fishing with smaller gear.
The fishing effort focuses on demersal coastal resources (vieja, common dentex, comber, sargo, black seabream, etc.), coastal pelagic resources and oceanic pelagic species (sardines, mackerel, Atlantic horse mackerel, anchovies, bogue, tunas and similar fish) and shellfish resources (shrimp, sea snails and crabs), which are fished using the gear and tackle generally used for artisanal fishing.
Sectoral organisation
The Artisanal Fishing Sector in Tenerife is grouped into ten Fisherman's Guilds (CP):
CP San Andrés.
CP Nuestra Señora (Ntra. Sra.) de La Candelaria.
CP San Miguel de Tajao.
CP Ntra. Sra. de Las Mercedes.
CP Ntra. Sra. de La Luz.
CP San Roque e Isla Baja.
CP San Marcos.
CP El Gran Poder de Dios.
CP Ntra. Sra. del Carmen.
CP Ntra. Sra. de La Consolación.
Recreational sea fishing
Lucrative and commercial activity is prohibited in recreational fishing.
Compliance with the minimum size limits for all species is mandatory.
A recreational sea fishing permit is required for any fishing of this nature.
Equipment: Spear gun, knife or polespear.
Captures are limited to 5 kilos per person per day.
Equipment or tackle: Any type of line or cord, and no more than three hooks without any electrical or electronic devices to attract or concentrate fish.
Only two per fisherman, providing no more than three hooks per common shaft are used. The use of surrounding nets, gillnets, trawls, longlines, fish pots, traps, smelt nets and similar tackle.
Captures are limited to 4 kilos per person per day.
Fishing Licences
Processing of recreational maritime fishing licenses online:
The recreational maritime fishing license can be processed and obtained directly online (access with a digital certificate), without the need to appear in person at the administrative offices, through the Electronic Headquarters of the Government of the Canary Islands: Fishing Licenses.
The aforementioned license can be obtained at the following link:
Maintenance of the sector
The high level of intrusiveness and poaching undergone in this sector, the widespread use of unselective fishing gear (fish pots and other types of traps), certain prohibited practices that are deeply rooted in various places in our island geography, uncontrolled sports fishing and other factors are causing important social and economic damage to the fishing industry.
To mitigate such negative effects, make these slogans your own
Yes to the sustainability of traditional local fishing methods.
Yes to complementary and/or alternative activities.
Yes to the traceability of fishing products.
Yes to inspections and controls.
Yes to information.
The sector in numbers
Fleet: Around 339 units.
Crew: Around 497 professional fishermen, between shipowners and seamen.
Annual captures: 3500-3800 tonnes, of which more than 3000 are pelagic.
Deep Sea Fishing
Puerto Colón - Costa Adeje
Tel. 922 767 223
MAR DE ONS Mar Tambo (Pesca de Altura)
Puerto de Los Cristianos (Arona)
Crucero de 5 horas a Los Gigantes - Crucero de 2 horas a las ballenas.
Tel. 922 751 576 - 922 750 674
Big Bite Fishing Charters
Puerto Colón - Pantalán 4
Costa Adeje
Tel. 603 276 519
Puerto Colón L. 129
38660 Costa Adeje
Tel. 922 714 543
Puerto Colón Pantalán nº 0
Costa Adeje
Tel. 922 243 838
C.C. Torviscas, L. 73
38660 Costa Adeje
Tel. 922 716 239
YATE "SOFIA" Pesca de altura del tiburón, atún y barracuda. Salidas diarias desde el puerto de Los Cristianos. Nautisport
Tel. 922 791 459 -
922 796 167
Fax 922 793 671
Pesca de altura, excursiones de medio día o de día completo.
Puerto deportivo Marina Los gigantes.
Información y reservas:
Telf.: 922 861 918