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Nesting birds

Some 56 species of birds nest in Tenerife, 25 of which are perching species and 31 non-perching species. Tenerife has the highest number of nesting birds of all the islands.

Populations, however, are small and two species - royal kite and Egyptian vulture - have become extinct in recent years and others, like the osprey, Barbary falcon, raven, etc. are endangered.

The island of Tenerife has three of the four endemic species of the Canary Islands (blue chaffinch, white tailed laurel pigeon and Bolle's laurel pigeon) and the three endemic species of Macaronesia (Canary, Berthelot's pipit and plain swift).

The subspecies Dendrocopos major canariensis of the Greater spotted woodpecker lives exclusively on Tenerife, whereas other subspecies also inhabit other islands.

Common name Scientific names Alpispa o Montacilla Cinerea Canariensis Andoriña o Vencejo Unicolor Apus Unicolor Canario Serinus Canaria Caminero o Correcaminos nthus Berthelotii Berthelotii Capirote o Curruca Capirotada Sylvia Atricapilla Cuervo Corvus Corax Tingitanus Mosquitero común Phylloscopus Collybita Canarienis Paloma Rabiche Columba Junoniae Pico Picapinos o Pájaro Carpintero Dendrocopos Major Canriensis Pinzón Azul o Pájaro Azul del Teide Fringilla Teydea Teydea Tabobo o Abubilla Upupa Epops

BIRDS OF PRAY Nombre común Nombre científico

Aguililla o Ratonero Común Buteo Buteo Insularum Búho chico Asio otus canariensis Cernícalo Falco Tinnunculus Canariensis Gavilán Accipiter nisus granti Halcón de Berbería Falco pelegrinoides Lechuza o coruja Tyto alba

SEA BIRDS Nombre común Nombre científico


The island of Tenerife currently has three declared Special Protection Areas for Birds.

Teno (1,345 hectares): due to the existence of the following bird species: Cory’s Shearwater, Sparrowhawk, Osprey, Bolle’s Laurel Pigeon and Laurel Pigeon.

Anaga (14,199 hectares): due to the existence of the following bird species: Bulwer’s Petrel, Little Shearwater, Madeiran Storm-Petrel, Sparrowhawk, Laurel Pigeon and Bolle’s Laurel Pigeon.

Tigaiga (1,735 hectares):   due to the presence of the Sparrowhawk, Bolle’s Laurel Pigeon, Laurel Pigeon and Manx Shearwater.

These areas have also been declared Protected Nature Areas and Sites of Community Importance (SCI).

Sociedad Española de Ornitología SEO/BirdLife

Delegación Territorial de Canarias 

C/Libertad, 22 - Pueblo Sabanda 

38296 La Laguna (Tenerife) 

Email: canarias@seo.org

Web: www.seo.org

Sociedad Española de Ornitología SEO/BirdLife

Delegación Territorial de Canarias
C/Libertad, 22 - Pueblo Sabanda
38296 La Laguna (Tenerife)
Email: canarias@seo.org
Web: www.seo.org

Sociedad Ornitológica Canaria SOC






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Laurel Pigeon
Laurel Pigeon