Santiago del Teide
Fiestas in honour of the Patron Saint are held, throughout the summer, in each of the districts that make up the borough of Santiago del Teide Puerto de Santiago: Second half of July.
Including a sea-going procession and fireworks in honour of La Virgen del Carmen.
Tamaimo: Festival of Santa Ana. Second half of July.
Arguayo: Festival of La Virgen de Candelaria. Second half of August.
Religious processions, cultural and sporting activities.
Santiago del Teide: Fiesta of Santiago Apóstol, Patron Saint of Spain. Religious ceremonies with leisure and sporting activities.
In Valle de Arriba, there is a pilgrimage (1st week in May) to the Chinyero volcano, in memory of the miracle that occurred when it erupted and the lava flows halted when the village brought out the figure of El Cristo de Santiago del Teide.
In Acantilados de los Gigantes, there is a carnival held after the Santa Cruz carnival finishes, with murgas, comparsas (carnival music and dance groups) and fancy dress competitions.
In Tamaimo and Santiago del Teide, Christmas is traditionally celebrated with a living nativity scene, which is renewed generation after generation.