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Icod de los Vinos

Icod de los Vinos is a city set in a highly fertile valley. Its streets offer us a marvellous view of Teide, with dense pine forests that extend from the summit down to the upper neighbourhoods of Icod. Genuine nativity scenes set on the flanks of Teide. Banana plantations, fruit and vines provide a flourishing trade. Founded in 1501, the city is a collection of stately homes, old mansions, churches and convents.

The best ones are: the Church of San Marcos, with a renaissance doorway and Baroque reredos, San Agustin, San Francisco and the Plaza de la Pila - a delightfully artistic and architectural spot in the city.

Icod is where you will find the thousand-year-old Dragon Tree, a genuine wonder of the botanical world. The Religious Art Museum is also worth a visit. San Marcos beach, protected and safe, is very popular.

Surface area



235 m 

Distance from Santa Cruz 

56 Km

Population in 2021

(20.231 en 1981 ; 21.445 en 1991 ; 22.031 en 2001)  

Votos(s): 2. Resultado: 5
Ayuntamiento Icod de los Vinos
Town Hall