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Trails in Teno

Welcome to Teno, a protected natural space which was declared Rural Park by the Law of Natural Spaces of the Canary Islands (1994), with the aim of preserving its ecological and patrimonial value as well as promoting an improvement in the quality of life of the local population.
Located in the northwest of Tenerife, it consists of one of the oldest geological areas in the island: the volcanic massif of Teno. In its 8,062 hectares,it houses a treasured biodiversity, with exclusive endemic species, and a peculiar topography, which is the result of natural processes and of the inhabitants' effort to achieve the farming exploitation of those rugged places.

With your visit, you can actively co-operate in the preservation of this space as long as you follow this advice:
- Walk through the signalled pathways, since most of the terrains are privately-owned.
- If you avoid noises, you will be able to discover much more life around you.
- Take back all the litter you might produce with you, including organic rests. In so doing, you will contribute to safeguard the beauty of the landscape and you will prevent the spread of
- Be especially careful with cigarette butts.
- The collection of plants, animals or other objects of the environment may cause a loss of unique resources.

We expect that the following recommendations and suggestions will help you to find your way around during your visit, allowing you to thoroughly enjoy Teno's natural and cultural
richness, scenery, flora and fauna, farmhouses, gastronomy, customs and traditions.
In this way, you will help us to maintain the economy and the rural landscape.
- Take the opportunity to taste the local products.
- The Rural Park staff would appreciate if you inform them of potential incidents you may have noticed. Please use the suggestion boxes located at information points.

Useful telephones:

Emergencies…........................................  112.
Rural Park Management Office ............  922 447 974
Buenavista Town Hall….........................  922 129 030
Los Silos Town Hall ...............................  922 840 004
El Tanque Town Hall ...….......................  922 136 715
Santiago del Teide Town Hall ..............  922 863 127
TITSA bus information ...........................  922 531 300

Los Pedregales Service Centre
Visitors Reception Centre (40 places) .... 922 128 032
Bolico hostel (36 places) ..........................  922 127 334
- Bookings: ...................................................  902 455 550
- web: ................................. www.alberguebolico.com
Los Pedregales Recreational Area (200 places).
Los Pedregales Campsite (50 places):
- Bookings: ............................................. 901 501 901
El Palmar Farmers Market (Sundays
open).......................................................  922 128 032
Rural accommodation:
Los Partidos Hotel (Partidos de Franquis)....  922 693 090
Morro Catana Rural House (Masca) ..............  922 353 197
Las Piedras Rural House (Los Carrizales) ... 670 953 718


Votos(s): 12. Resultado: 4.25