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El Sauzal

The southern tip of the borough falls within a Nature Area called Laderas de Santa Ursula, Los Organos, Altos del Valle de Güimar and Monte de La Esperanza. This is a forested area of great scenic and environmental interest.

There is a recreation area and campsite in Las Calderas, which can be reached by taking the road from La Laguna to Aguagarcía, and take the turn-off toward the firing range.

Fuente Fria is a recreation area and camp sight that can be reached from La Laguna, following the C-.824 and along the turn-off at Km 16 (Las Lagunetas). You follow a dirt track for about a kilometre to the camp site (to stay overnight, you need a permit from the Department of the Environment of the Island Cabildo).

Down on the coast, there is a major protected area: Los Acantilados (cliffs) del Sauzal and Tacoronte. This is a beautiful and spectacular place, a sanctuary for many sea birds, but also has several curious endemic plants.

Paseo Litoral de El Sauzal
Paseo Litoral de El Sauzal