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International Mountain Day

Tenerife has a diversity and geological uniqueness of the volcanic islands. Its orography is formed by high ancient massifs (Anaga, Teno and Adeje), the dorsals (Pedro Gil, Abeque and South or Adeje dorsal) and the central building of Teide-Pico Viejo.

For many reasons the mountains of Tenerife are of great importance for the ecosystem of the Island, which must be protected due to its fragility in the face of climate change, increasing turbulence and overexploitation of its resources.

 In 2003, the UN proclaimed December 11 as International Mountain Day for many reasons, including:

  • The mountains cover 22 percent of the Earth's surface.
  • In the mountains inhabits 15 percent of the population of the planet, almost one billion people.
  • More than half of the world's population depends on mountains to supply water, food and energy.
  • The mountains provide between 60 and 80 percent of the planet's fresh water.
  • Many communities that live in high regions depend on the mountains, but also people who live in the low areas depend on them.
  • The mountains play a fundamental role in the generation of renewable energies, especially hydraulic, solar, wind and biogas.

But unfortunately, the mountains are in danger due to climate change, soil degradation and overexploitation of resources.

Campaign for 2019: mountains are important for young people

FAO is the coordinating body for the preparation and celebration of this commemoration.

In 2018 the theme was "Mountains are important" with the English label #MountainsMatter. And in this year 2019 the theme is: "Mountains are important for young people".

The problem faced by young people who live in the mountains who often have only the way out of emigration, which implies the abandonment of agriculture, land degradation, and the loss of ancestral values ​​and traditions will be addressed. .

The solution proposed by FAO and the UN is to invest more in training, access to employment and better public services, to guarantee young people a better life and to develop their potential in their places of origin.

Votos(s): 3. Resultado: 5
Macizo de Anaga
Macizo de Anaga